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P.O. Box 931
Southbury CT 06488

Member Towns

Monroe ons, as recommended by the Nominating Committee, were to continue the present slate of officers,namely : Bob Barnes, Chairman, Bob Mouchantat, Vice Chairman, Glenn Ganz,Treasurer and Carolyn Wilson , Secretary.; the slate was approved unanimously.

Public Comments: Present were Bill May, a resident of Sandy Hook, who has applied to be an LZA member; Joe Steinfeld, Marine Patrol Coordinator, Dave De Feo, Weed Harvester Coordinator and Frank Cavallo, Southbury resident.Bob Barnes, Chairman read a letter which Frank Cavallo had sent to the LZA regarding a neighbor at 256 Lee Farm Drive, Southbury , throwing patio blocks into Lake Zoar and Bob stated that the resolution will be removal in the Spring.The Leaps of Faith permit for six (6) dates as scheduled  was discussed ; motion was made by Bob Mouchantat to approve  (seconded by G.W. Schmidt) and  was approved  unanimously and was signed by Bob Barnes, Chairman, and will be submitted to DEP.Bob Barnes, Chairman, also stated  that Ken Korsu recommended that the LZA Budget remain the same due to fiscal constraints.

An Executive Session to discuss personnel and Marine Patrol issues was called by Bob Barnes, Chairman at 7:18 p.m.; the Executive Session ended at 7:35 p.m.

Public Comments: Frank Cavallo distributed copies of his letter and  photos regarding the dumping of paving blocks into Lake Zoar;; Bob Barnes, Chairman,had forwarded a copy  of Frank’s letter to Brian Wood, First Light and Brian will review and meet with Bob and Frank if necessary at a future date.Bob also sent a copy  to the Southbury Zoning Board; Frank thanked the LZA for doing a good job with Lake Zoar.

Coast Guard Aux Report: Carolyn Wilson, Secretary, represented LZA at Bill Gager’s, CGAux member and coordinator to LZA, funeral; flowers and a card were also sent to Bill’s  family.

Boats and Motors: the weedharvester is stored in Southbury and Dave De Feo will recover it ASAP; it is in good shape and Bernie Lintzner was to order a front replacement bar.; Bob Mouchantat , Vice Chairman, will follow up with Bernie.

Publicity and Public Awareness: no report.

Water Quality: no report.

Financial Report: Accepted as reported by Glenn Ganz per Bob Mouchantat motion (seconded by Dave Perriello).

Clerk’s Report: to be changed to Secretary’s Report on future Agendas; the December minutes were accepted unanimously as written per motion made by Bob Mouchantat (seconded by Glenn Ganz).

Unfiniushed Business:  Bylaws Revisions  per N. K. Schmidt : statement re LZA to be revised to” is not able to “ au lieu of “does not” regarding office availability.Bob Mouchantat , Vice Chairman, made a motion to accept the Revised Bylaws as written including the above statement (seconded by N.K.Schmidt) ; the motion passed  with one abstention: Ed Kusinski, new member .

New Business: Bob Mouchantat, Vice Chairman, is coordinating the LZA website with the student and has forwarded the following :water quality,marine patrol,2010 LZA meeting schedule,Sept-Dec LZA minutes and will forward the Jan LZA minutes and Feb Agenda; Bob recommended that a  Website Committee be appointed .Dave De Feo, Weed Harvester Coordinator, discussed weed presence and conditions :some were very good ;also discussed the feasibility of harvesting the weeds next year dependent on the budget and will work within it as necessary.  Bob Barnes, Chairman, discussed Bernie’s resignation and its impact upon LZA as he coordinated Grants,Weed Treatment,Consultanst,First Light ,Water Quality et al and will be missed. A motion was made by Glenn Ganz (seconded by Dave Perriello) to purchase an engraved placque for presentation to Bernie Lintzner for his many years of service to LZA; the motion passed unanimously.  A motion was made by Dave Perriello (seconded by Glenn Ganz) to sell the Radar Units; after discussion, the motion was withdrawn by Dave Perriello ; the CP,Cost Price and Used Price will be researched by Glenn Ganz, Treasurer , who will also check Insurance coverage for the Feb meeting; the need for the  soundmeter was discussed.

The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Glenn Ganz(seconded by G.W.Schmidt); meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Wilson,LZA Secretary

The minutes are not considered official until approved at the next regular meeting of the Lake Zoar Authority,to be held on Tuesday, February 2,2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Southbury Town Hall.